
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the centre from which feelings of love emanate. It is also associated with other virtuous emotions, such as joy, happiness, honesty, respect, compassion, understanding, and generosity, and with loving oneself in a sincere, non-egotistic way. This is also the chakra through which we connect with others whom we love or have affection towards. Once forged, these links are very hard to break, which is why people suffer so much through the break-up of a relationship or the loss of a loved one

The color pink clearly correspond to the rose light of divine love, while the green signifies the lower or gross emotional body functioning of the heart centre, focusing on self, security, and attachment to physical and emotional possessions, the white signifies spiritual purity.

The heart chakra is very important in spiritual healing, since all energy is metabolized through the chakras travels up the body and into the heart chakra, before moving out through the body for healing.

When the heart centre has been fully opened, it becomes the channel for Universal Love; what the Buddhists call Mahakaruna or "the Great Compassion", and esoteric Christians and Theosophists the "Christ Consciousness". Once opened, the Higher Self or Immortal Divine Soul is able to work through this centre. This is probably why in so many cultures the heart is said to be the seat of the soul.

Sanskrit Name: anahata
Color: green, pink
Key Word: love
Soul Lesson: forgiveness, unconditional love, letting go, trust, compassion
Element: Air
Number: 3
Sense: Touch
Gemstones: malachite, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, kunzite.
Essential Oils: rose, jasmine, ylang ylang, eucalyptus, peppermint and Rosewood
Physical: heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands
Bach Flower Essences: Holly, Poppy, California Wild Rose
Shape: Octahedron
Sound: Yam
Note: F, F#
Astrological sign: Libra, Taurus
Petals: 12

Harmonious Function:
• warmth, sincerity and happiness
• strong connection to all of life
• compassion and willingness to help
• unity
• peaceful and balanced
• loving
• anti-social and withdrawn
• intolerant
• critical and judgmental
• loneliness and isolation
• feel rejected
• lack of empathy
• co-dependency
• demanding
• jealousy
• clinging
• over-sacrificing
• I am an open channel for divine love
• I open my heart and share it with others
• I love who I am
